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Scythe No More, Ladies By Peter Maingay October 6th 2022

Nine volunteers – Trevor, Val, Nick S, Sean, Elizabeth, Jonathan, Stu, Roger and Peter turned up on a beautiful, sunny October morning, with the aim of cutting back the exuberant docks, scything and raking away the tall grass and thistles, and clearing away the grass around the 80 or so saplings in the triangle of land in the north-west corner of the site.

It looked a tall order at the start of the morning, but a determined effort by the four scythers, the three rakers (Stu, Sean and Peter) and the two sapling-clearers (Elizabeth and Val) resulted in a much-tidied area by the time we had finished at 12.00.

The weather was so lovely that we all sat around chatting by the pond when we finished, even seeing a White-tailed Eagle – well, actually, a Red Kite – soaring over the field for a couple of minutes.

Most satisfyingly, the vast majority of the sapling planted in the area were thriving – about 95% of them. They must have been very well planted and looked after!

Thanks to all who came. The next work party will be on Tuesday October 18th – probably at WBOA once again.



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