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Immersed in nature

I had reason to call in at West Beckham Old Allotments this morning. The Knapweed is beginning to flower in profusion, attracting some nice insects. In a short walk around the reserve I saw several butterflies including: Meadow Brown, Large White, Red Admiral, Commas, Small Skipper and Gatekeeper.


Small Skipper

Cinnabar Moth caterpillars feeding on Ragwort

There were also some caterpillars of Cinnabar Moth on the flowering Ragwort. Overhead a lone Swift made it’s way west - probably on it’s way back to Africa. Before you know it we’ll be haymaking and getting on with the Autumn work programme. But for now it’s nice to immerse yourself in nature, and what better place to do it than West Beckham Old Allotments.



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