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Rain Stopped Play

..and they're still smiling - our fantastic volunteers at West Beckham this morning!

Rain stopped play today for our final volunteer work-party before the New Year - but not before we did some really useful stuff at West Beckham Old Allotments. We had planned to do more 'dock digging' but we created a bird-feeding station instead - giving nature a bit of a helping hand. Dodging the heaviest down-pours the six volunteers created a corral in front of the former tractor shed, incorporating the feeders. Close enough to the hedge to provide cover but open enough to get good views of the comings and goings. It will be very interesting to see which species we attract.

May I take this opportunity to thank all our volunteers for the great things we have achieved together in 2019, wish you a very merry Christmas & New Year and look forward to working with you again on another invaluable wildlife conservation project in 2020.

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