Breaking ground

The new foot bridge, providing access to volunteers engaged in habitat restoration work
There was a well attended and very productive work-party at Sustead Common yesterday. We removed a whole load more tree-guards, cleared the northern section of the Roadside Nature Reserve of tree cuttings, topped one of the remaining blocks of flower meadow and installed a pedestrian bridge, providing access to our volunteers doing habitat restoration work in the north section of Spurrell's Wood - breaking new ground.
On the wildlife front, the last couple of days has produced two new species for the site - Grey Wagtail and Brambling. Woodcock have returned for the winter, with two being flushed from the site yesterday.
Our next work party at Sustead is Tuesday 21st November - check this website for details.
Please note that there is no general access to Spurrell's Wood during habitat restoration - access arrangements will be reviewed on completion of the work.